Friday, January 6, 2012

Quotes and Cookies: Fail.

I just got the Kreativ Blogger award! (Don't you just love how creative that spelling is? :)) Thank you so much, Commutinggirl!

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign
you're not doing anything very innovative."

~Woody Allen

Failed at anything lately? Good for you!! Give yourself a pat on the back, grab a cookie (make sure you do it in that order, lest ye get powdered sugar on your back), and go out and try something else innovative.

Photo Credit and Recipe Link from Secret Life of a Chef's Wife

Have a fabulous Friday and an amazing weekend, everyone!


Iain said...

Looks like I'm going to have to come up with an innovative way of failing at something :o)

Anonymous said...

I have to stop looking at these posts so early on a Friday. Time to scavenge the office for chocolate.

Kelley Lynn said...

Shoot... now I need to change. I did it in the wrong order ;)

Jill Campbell said...

Congrats! I fail lots. But then I eat a lot of cookies too. . .

M.J. Fifield said...

I was drawn here by the name of your blog and now I'll have to stay and stare at those chocolate crinkle cookies. They're kind of my favorite...

Congratulations on the award...

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Congrats on the award! And your blog always makes me hungry. Have a great weekend! :)

Angela Brown said...

AH! That explains all the powder on my back.

Darn it!

Well, that was another fail lol!!

Janet Johnson said...

Mmmm . . . those cookies look good! No wonder I love your blog. Cookies are my weakness . . . my kryptonite. Yummm

And did you say something about an award? ;)

Patti said...

Now I'm hungry for chocolate and you're so right, you shouldn't be afraid of failure because it just means you're trying.

Laura Josephsen said...

I love that quote! It reminds me of that part in the Disney film "Meet the Robinsons" where they're cheering because the kid failed.

Angela Cothran said...

LOVE that quote. I'd rather be innovative than a failure any day :)

Jenny S. Morris said...

Those cookies look yummy and I will have one in celebration of failure for a purpose.

Steph Sessa said...

I've also heard "practice must be filled with failure otherwise you're not being challenged." I have it on a post-it note on my computer.

Carrie Butler said...

I fail all the time. Time to stock up on cookies! :)

Donna K. Weaver said...

Innovative. Hmmm . . . I'll have to look at the magic system in my YA fantasy then. Have a great weekend.

Leigh Covington said...

That quote is spectacular. I truly like it and believe it!

Now I'm off to find the recipe for these cookies. It looks like a MUST have! :)

Faith E. Hough said...

Luckily for my stomach, I fail at cookies less than I fail at writing. :) But maybe that's because I write a lot more than I bake...

Jennie Bennett said...

I've failed quite a bit today, so i think I'll take a dozen of those cookies :)

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on the award!

Interesting quote. Neil Gaiman said something along similar lines about failing--it is true that if you fail, at least it means you tried!

Tonja said...

I failed at making chocolate chip cookies three times the last week of school. We usually make cookies for teachers, but they were too ugly to give away.

Anonymous said...

These cookies so yummy!!!! (and I´m hungry, I really would like a cookie :-))
You totally deserve this award: your blog is wonderful and so inspirational (and the delicious looking cookies!)
Have a wonderful week-end Peggy!

Stacy S. Jensen said...

I failed at making those cookies last January after trying my mother-in-laws. Hmm. It's been a year, maybe I should try again.

Tarah Dunn said...

Those cookies look amazing! I want them to jump through the screen and into my mouth.

Writer Pat Newcombe said...

Failing is soemthing most of us have done at some point! It's a unifying human frailty, I think... The key thing is not to let failure hold you back and try to learn something from it. Happy New Year to you and don't eat all those delicious cookies at once!

LisaAnn said...

Love that quote! Think I will steal it for those times when the going gets rough... :)

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

Those cookies look spectacular!

Susanna Leonard Hill said...

The cookies definitely make the failure worthwhile :)

E.D. said...

Not a problem - fail I do, but then I try again. Except baking. No matter how hard I try, just can't do it well...

Bethany Crandell said...

For being so creepy/icky--Woody Allen is pretty wise.

I fail at most things. It's all practice ;)

LisaAnn said...

By the way, I'm going to be giving you an award on my blog tomorrow morning. Stop by if you have a second! ;)

CherylAnne Ham said...

So true. I'm getting better at failing, but it's still tough. I hate it when other people witness my failure. I much rather fail in private. LOL

Anonymous said...

Congrats... cookies look yum yum:) Am thinking of making snickerdoodles tonight - hubby loves them:)

Peggy Eddleman said...

Iain-- And therein lies the fun. :)

Joshua-- Bahaha! I hope you found some. I'd hate to think I created a chocolate deficiency that couldn't be remedied.

Kelley-- Hahahaha! Dang. I was afraid of that. ;)

Jill-- Cookies: They make all fails better.

M.J.-- Welcome! And stare all you want. :D It's what I've been doing for days.

Chantele-- Thank you!! And I hope you had a fabulous weekend as well!

Angela B-- Hahahaha! Yep, I guess that counts as a fail. ;) So I guess you're being innovative!

Janet-- Ooo! Cookie kryptonite! I love it! (And I swear I won't exploit your weakness. Well, except for every Friday.)

Patti-- I agree. Otherwise, it'd be hard to try anything!

Laura-- Haha! Exactly. It's all good.

Angela C-- I know, right? Although I'd even take them both on the same day. :)

Jenny-- Best reason to have one. :)

Stessa-- Ooo! Nice! I love it!

Carrie-- They're the best kind of fail-consoler there is. ;)

Donna-- I just got chills reading "magic system" and "ya fantasy." Have fun! And I hope you had a great weekend, too.

Leigh-- You know, I can stare and stare at cookies and only eat them with my eyes and be totally happy. Until someone mentions the recipe, then I suddenly want to eat them with my mouth! :)

Faith-- Haha! That's a good rule to go by, too. Write more than you bake. ;)

Peggy Eddleman said...

Jennie-- Makes it all better, doesn't it? :)

The Golden Eagle-- Thanks! And yes. Trying is half the battle. (Didn't GI Joe say something similar? Oh, wait. That was knowing is half the battle. Probably because trying is MORE than half the battle. ;))

Tonja-- Hahahaha! That just means they had to be eaten by the family, right? Still a win in my book. :)

Commutinggirl-- Awwww! You are so sweet! Thank you again. I hope your weekend was fabulous, too!

Stacy-- Yes. I think that's some kind of rule. If you fail at some kind of cookie, you must try again a year later.

Tarah-- I know, right? My screen is streaked from trying to lick them. ;)

Pat-- A "unifying human frailty." I love it! And yes. The learning from the fails should be listed on there, too! Probably the most important step right there.

LisaAnn-- Steal away. :) And thanks SO MUCH for the award! I will be sure to check it out.

Melissa-- I totally agree.

Susanna-- Hahaha! Yep. Cookies are cool like that.

E.D.-- Yes! Trying again = SO IMPORTANT. And about the baking fail: that's what refrigerator cookies are for. ;)

Bethany-- Hehehe- I agree. And I love that- failing = practice. :D

CherylAnne-- Yes! Failure in private is a billion times better than failure in public! Here's to hoping that all our failures are un-witnessed. :)

tfwalsh-- Thank you! And ooo! I love snickerdoodles! I may just have to make some now.