In your head?
On a train?
On a plane?
At a retreat?
In a soft seat?
Do you prefer outside?
Or anywhere you can hide?
In secret or in plain sight?
In the middle of the night?
At a park while kids play?
At your neighborhood cafe?
At the library, on a couch, or at your kitchen table?
In a notebook, laptop, or anywhere you're able?
For me, it's at my desktop computer, or on my laptop at my kitchen table. Sometimes at the library, or while waiting for my kids. Yep, that's right. My laptop is almost never used ON MY LAP.
How about you? Where do you find yourself writing most frequently?

Hey, been reading Green Eggs and Ham or something?
I write most frequently at my desk, which is a frightening mess, but I'll pull out a notebook and pen and write in the car while waiting for the kids, and I did a lot last year in a coffee shop while, you guessed it, waiting for one of my kids.
Same place as ever, at my desktop.
Laptops used on laps...what an interesting idea.
I write everywhere--sometimes in a makeshift office in the attic, sometimes in a magic room at the library (truly magic--you should come and see! :)), right now, I'm writing in bed (okay not the most conducive to getting actual writing done, but you know, comfy).
That's the beauty of laptops!
My favorite writing bursts are scribbled on scraps of paper...they are usually the best ideas.
I do best in my office. I'm still self-conscious enough not to be comfortable doing it where people can read over my shoulder.
Love your poem thingy!
Dim lighting.
Did only one other person notice the rhyme?
Notebook or laptop, although I hate transcribing what I wrote longhand. It just takes too long.
I think I would write best if I had an actual office, but instead I settle for the kitchen table.
We have a little room off of the entry and the living room that I turned into our office. I can still listen to t.v. and talk to my hubby and look out to the front yard and the living room. The clutter of the office is behind me, lol. I use a desktop computer. We used to have a laptop but it never left the desk anyway.
Kathy M.
99% of the time my laptop is on my lap (this may explain the carpal tunnel syndrome). I have to be comfortable to write and I am not comfortable at a table/desk. When I am in my real house (not my temporary lodging with all my real stuff in storage) and I have my real desk chair I will write at my desktop. I also have to have my music playing. And it helps if I am in some sort of competition.
And yes, I do miss the days of blissful ignorance regarding "borrowing" photos and images from Google.
I love your Dr. Seussy poem, you clever girl you! And your stick figure in a tree is pretty awesome too! :) My new favorite place to write at the moment is my balcony. I have one of those bench swings and its been getting pretty nice in Vegas at night lately. I sit there (hiding from the kids) and stare out at the lights in the Vegas Valley. Its pretty rad! It's not under the "G" or anything, but is ayite.
On a train in the rain. On a boat with a goat.
At my desk in my bedroom facing a wall, back to the laundry basket.
Yes. I do miss those days...
I prefer to write with my laptop at the dining room table. It's a very purple room and it gives me a nice warm glow!
Oh how I miss those image days! I never know how/what I'm supposed to do now!
I write with my laptop on my lap since I don't have a desktop and I'm a student, my lap is on the bus/at the library/on my couch/in bed/on a park bench/in class/in the car...
That was so creative. I write on my laptop too. It's usually in my sunroom these days.
I like to write at the local library! I tend to stay focused and not get distracted!
Mostly at my desktop, thought I'm crossing my fingers that a laptop shows up on my birthday. :) Totally agree with your sidenote, I still have yet to use a picture on my blog because I'm paranoid that I'll use one I think is legal but isn't. If I could, I would put a picture of me pulling my hair out right here.
Normally on my laptop on my desk.Or my laptop in front of the TV when the Olympics is on. Sometimes I write on my tablet in bed, but the typos are terrible!
Somewhere comfy :) When I bought my laptop I got a lap table to go with it. It is AWESOME!!! I can write anywhere :)
I sit on the sofa and type away
On my laptop, tucked out of the way.
In the living room is where I sit,
At the far end, away from the thick of it.
Headphones on, so the TV's drowned out,
When they want me they throw things, or sometimes shout.
It's the best solution, or am I deluded?
This way I'm with every one, but also secluded.
love it love it love it!!! and who needs clip art? you're great at the cartoons too!
Yes, I miss those days. I haven't used photos for ages, but my plan is just to insert random ones that I've taken myself, even if they have no relevance to the post!
I'm writing this on my laptop, which is on my lap. I'm far too conventional!
My office. I can't take loud noises while writing. I can do coffee shops and the library while brainstorming.
I write on my desktop PC in the spare room which is set out as my office! Peace!!!
Kitchen table. Starbucks. Office desk. Train.
Anywhere and anytime I can get at least a good 15 minutes of uninterrupted time....
Yes! I miss those days when we could use all photos :(
I write at the kitchen table when at home. Otherwise I'm writing in an airport, airplane or a hotel room :)
Yes, about the photos, but then again that stick figure got me smiling!
I write in a recliner type of chair in my office--but not at my desk. :)
I totally miss those days! My posts are woefully unadorned. I may have to learn to draw - quel horreur!
Enjoyed your post. : )
I do a lot of my writing at my desk, but am known to do some of it in the livingroom.
Your post reminded me of Dr. Seuss! I have a laptop so I tend to write wherever the noise from the kids is the most muted.
As for photos, I shied away from using any except my own for the longest time. I've recently discovered Wikimedia Commons and Flickr WANA Commons, which come with links to include proper credit on our posts to keep us bloggers out of trouble.
My favorite place to write is outside. I love sitting on the patio at our house or on the deck at our cabin. But I live in NE Iowa, so we have a longgggggg winter. During the winter I enjoy writing in my upstairs office. I open the blinds and I can see the pretty (from the inside of a house) winter scenery.
Outside, in the office, on the dining room table, at Starbucks, and at the writing guild
On my bedroom floor or in the car (with a recorder).
Kitchen table is my most usual spot (although I do a lot of writing in my head in the shower or out with the dogs :)) And YES - I miss the days of using any image you liked :)
I use my laptop on my desk and sometimes when I'm lying on my back on the sofa. And when I'm out and about I use a note pad. Great poem, Peggy
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