First up, Salt Lake Comic Con FanX! Not everyone knows this, but Comic Con is like it's own writer's conference. There are so many writing panels! Plus: people in costume. If there's any part of you that's even a little Geek, your people are here. And you should be with your people. I will be there THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY:
●11:00 How to Get Past Writer's Block in Ballroom C
●11:00 How to Get Past Writer's Block in Ballroom C
●1:00 How to Write Middle Grade / Young Adult to Specific Audiences in 150G
● 3:00-4:00 pm Book Signing (Shadow Mountain Booth)
●12:00 - 1:00 pm Book Signing (Shadow Mountain Booth)
●6:30 Plotting: The Bare Bones of Fiction Writing in 151G

Life, the Universe, and Everything (LTUE) will always hold a special place in my heart. It's a HUGE event. (Seriously-- something like 1300 people come every year.) There are about a million authors there, on about a million panels. There is so much writing info to soak up, and so many writers to chat with. And it's so inexpensive! Three days, filled to the brim, and it's only $55. And for students, it's F-R-E-E. Can't get much better than that.
The symposium is February 12-14 at the Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Provo, Utah. More info at LTUE's website here.
I will be there on Friday and Saturday, and I'm on the following panels:
● Friday at 3:00pm Queries: When and How
● Saturday at 9:00am Common Grammatical Errors
● Saturday at 3:00pm Your Writer’s Group
● Saturday at 3:00pm Your Writer’s Group
Sidenote: In order to keep it free for students, LTUE would love donations! If you're in a position to help, Here's LTUE's Donation Page. And I think you're awesome.
I am so honored that Sky Jumpers is on the Beehive List this year. The incredible folks at the Children's Literature Association of Utah are the ones responsible for the Beehive List. They have teamed up with the Orem Public Library for a special Sky Jumpers family event. I will be speaking for a few minutes, then there will be tons of games and activities that are all Sky Jumpers -themed. It's going to be so much fun!
It all happens on Monday, February 23rd at 7:00pm at the Orem Library in Orem, Utah. Get more info at the Orem Library's Website.
Writing for Charity is an amazing one day event, where nationally published authors teach and critique. Some very amazing agents are coming, too! It's a great place to learn more about writing craft and have your work critiqued by experts.
I will be on a couple of panels (TBA), and I will be doing critiques.
It all happens at the historic Provo City Library in Provo, Utah on Saturday, March 21. You can find out more at the Writing for Charity website.
If you are a teen writer, Teen Author Boot Camp (TABC) is the place to be! Not only do you get to hang out with 500 teens who are passionate about the same things you're passionate about, but amazing authors come. Brandon Sanderson and Jessica Day George are the keynote speakers this year, and there are an impressive lineup of author Drill Sergeants.
Saturday, April 11th at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah. I will be on two panels:
10:20 am Writing Habits
2:35 pm Out of this World
Get more information at the Teen Author Boot Camp website.
I am so thrilled / honored / crazy excited to be at the Texas Library Association's annual conference in Austin, TX on April 14-17! It's a massive conference filled with some of my favorite people-- librarians! Sky Jumpers is on the Bluebonnet list, so I'll be taking part in the event "Speed Dating the Texas Bluebonnet Books" from 4:00-6:00 on April 14th. I'll be signing books at the event, as well as participating in a lot of really fun activities / social events / bookish things. If you ever get a chance to go to an event like this, take it!
Cavalcade of Authors West is in it's debut year, and they are set to make a splash! They are a young writer's workshop in the Puget Sound area of Washington state. I, along with 14 other authors from around the country, will be teaching workshops and panels, doing signings, and visiting schools.
The conference is on Saturday, May 2.
If you're in the Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) area in Tacoma, Washington, check it out! It's an astoundingly inexpensive $15 for registration. Find out more at the Cavalcade of Authors West website.
● Thursday, I'll be a Boot Camp instructor
● Friday at 10:00 am Panel: What to Expect From Publication Pros
● Friday at 4:40 pm Class: When Your Mojo Is Lost and You Can’t Seem to Find It
● Saturday at 9:30 am Panel: The Perfect Publishing Path
● Saturday at 10:30 am Class: Unraveling the Query Process
● Saturday at 4:15 Book Signing
Get more info at the LDStorymakers website.

Are any of these conferences on your To Go To list? If not, do you have other conferences you like to go to? I want to hear about them!

That's a lot of events, Peggy. Seems you'll be busy spreading the writing love and that's fantastic!
Please enjoy all the events :-)
I've never been to ComicCon before, but would love to go someday. Sounds like you have an action-packed weekend ahead of you.
So busy! I do look forward to sharing some panels with you. Yes, I can't wait to hang out with my peeps! :)
Wow, you're busy! You're lucky to have so many conferences near you and opportunities to share your expertise.
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