Hi hi hi! Long time no see! How was your New Years? What did you do? We did with our kids the same thing my parents did with us growing up--- we ate homemade pizza, played board games for many, many hours, and toasted the new year with sparkling cider at midnight. I love it every bit as much as I did when I was a kid.
Since it's been so long, how about we update each other? I'll start. (Or you can skip down to the comments, and you start.)
Last week I turned book 2 into my editor. There are a lot of factors that make book 2s difficult--- someday I might post about that. Needless to say, there are times that I thought it might kill me, and there's an incredible weight lifted to have it turned in. It makes me want to tackle everything I've been putting off all at once. :)
Goal: To never finish a book so close to deadline again. Especially if that deadline is January 1.
Just in case you're wondering how everything is going with my cover... it's coming along nicely. :) My editor and my cover team rock beyond the telling of it, and have been working so hard for the past ten months to get it just right. Cover illustrator #3 (yes, number THREE) is working on it now, and I'm telling you, this is going to be the one. I've seen his first color sketch, and it's incredible. I can't wait for it to be finished! And don't worry that you might miss the reveal. Trust me-- I'll be shouting about it from the rooftops.
Goal: Patience. I've had my book deal for 14 months so far... what's a couple more?
My poor, poor neglected blog. Sometimes I'll go into my stats and see that people click through all the page tabs at the top, and I cringe. Those puppies haven't been updated in a year and a half! It's a little embarrassing.
Goal: To get back to posting regularly, reading blogs, and revamping all those things on my blog that are in good need of a revamping. Or, in some cases, an initial vamping.
Getting an actual website is my current focus, and I'm so excited to jump into it! I have no idea what I'm going to do just yet, but I'm voting for something awesome. Anyone have any tips? Suggestions on what to include or who to use? Author websites you've seen that you love? I'll take it all.
Goal: To make peggyeddleman.com rock. And have it do something other than just lead you back to here. ;)
What's new with you? Did you set any goals / resolutions? (Or are you anti-New Years resolutions? I totally understand that, too.) And are you as in the mood to do all those things on your to-do list that you've been ignoring as I am?

photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc
Hi Peggy, Happy New Year, and good to see you back! January 1 is a scary deadline to have, glad you met it - I'm sure I'd have just eaten chocolate :-)
I'm trying to get back to my NaNo novel (most people are finishing, or revising, but mine needs a complete re-write) but Christmas got in the way - hoping to be back to normal soon!
happy new year!!!! sounds like you've been... hmm... busy!
I can't wait to see the cover for Sky Jumpers. MG covers are my absolute favorite, and I'm sure yours will be AWESOME!!!
My goal for this year is to finish editing my WIP and query it. eeeek! I'm excited and nervous. and as soon as that baby is out, I'm starting my next book!
happy new year!!!! sounds like you've been... hmm... busy!
I can't wait to see the cover for Sky Jumpers. MG covers are my absolute favorite, and I'm sure yours will be AWESOME!!!
My goal for this year is to finish editing my WIP and query it. eeeek! I'm excited and nervous. and as soon as that baby is out, I'm starting my next book!
Welcome back Peggy-- glad you had a nice holiday. It's good to take some time away and come back with a fresh perspective. I came back with a new vision or more confirmed vision, of the writing direction I want to pursue this year. Feels good to start fresh! Best to you in 2013.
Sounds like you had a busy break. A January 1st deadline - wow, that would be a hard one.
Nothing specific in the goal area (hasn't worked in the past). I"m just going to try to do something better everyday.
Welcome back.
Nice to see you back and congrats on finishing book #2. Your goals sound totally reachable, especially for someone as awesome as you are. Good luck. My funnest goal for this year is to hike to the top of Desolation Peak.
Glad to hear you're rolling along! Can't wait to see the new cover...got nothing to add about a website. But I have no fear, you'll figure it out!
LOL. Note to self: preempt deadlines. =) I love that New Years tradition. I wonder if my hubby would go for it... I'm excited for your book, and can't wait to read more about it.
I'm creating a website for myself too. Nothing terribly glamorous, but I figure it doesn't hurt to have one. I want it to be more about the book(s) and less about the writing, which my blog will still focus on.
So glad things are rolling right along for you! Can't wait to see the cover :)
I need to make a website soon, too. I keep putting it off because I'm so intimidated by the whole idea. (Plus I have no clue what to do.)
I can't wait to see your cover--how exciting that it's coming along so well now! And good job on finishing your edits on time! Sounds like the year is off to a busy, good start for you!
I can't wait to see your cover. And this reminds me I need to seriously update my website, too. Eep. My goals this year are to revise one book and draft another. Simple.
Happy New Year Peggy! Nice to see you in these in parts again. glad to hear the cover is going well. Seriously on pins and needles. I can't wait for your book. This year is going to rock! <3 ya!
Don't forget to add regular downtime to your new lists! So glad to see you enjoying this harried phase of your writing career. :)
I hope you have success with the cover with this illustrator. I never realized a book cover could take that long to create, but I suppose a good cover is like a painting in miniature and needs time to perfect.
I never make resolutions, since I feel that if you're serious about making goals or turning over a new leaf, it can happen at any time, not just the start of a new year. January is my least-favorite month at the gym, when all these resolutions people pour in out of nowhere and take away parking spots, equipment, and floor space from regulars who are serious about fitness all year round.
14 months? Really, wow I can't believe it's been that long. I'm so glad you made your deadline. ;0) And your New Year's tradition sounds so fun.
I can't wait to see that cover!
I'm glad I'm not the only one neglecting my blog :) If you are doing it I feel like I'm not so bad.
Don't get too worried about the website. They're getting less and less important, the blog on the other...get to it. I want more from you soldier! :)
Hey, Peggy, Happy New Year. Congrats on the deadline and can't wait for the cover reveal! Best wishes for this year.
So much work! And I'm stoked for your cover!
I have a draft nearly done and a ton of revisions for three different MSs on the table, plus I have an idea for my next book. I'll be busy busy, especially if I get a full-time job this month... we shall see.
Wow, you have some vamping to do! I like the sound of that. I would like to hire you to do all those things for me as well! Okay? Okay. $1 million dollars it is then.
Ooo, when and if you do a website would you post about website vs blog, their pros and cons as you see them? Personally, I think they are often used interchangeably so I'm trying to find out how people use use them and what the difference is.
Oh, I'm doing well. Now much new here, though I hope to have some announcements through the year. We can dream right?
Can't wait until your cover is finalized!
Also, every time I visit your blog I'm amazed how much that cartoon of you in the blog header looks so much like you!
I'm glad to see you're back. As far as New Year Resolutions go, I tend to wait a bit on those. I'm working on figuring out some changes for my blog, as well as the usual personal goals. I probably should make one of my resolutions this year to be making New Year resolutions by/on Jan 1.
Happy New Year and glad you had fun. Hope you didn't feed the kids too much cider!
Good goals. I'm sure the cover will be amazing, can't wait to see it.
My first job is to finish my NaNo novel. The holidays felt a bit interminable in terms of not getting writing done, so I'm excited to get back to it!
Girl, you're amazing! And looking forward to the cover reveal and "official" website! I know they'll both be amazing. I'd love to share your reveal on my blog - so if you're looking for someone else to help shout it from the rooftops, I want in! :)
Happy New Year, Peggy, nice to see you back. Sounds like a lot of excitement on the near horizon!
Awesome successes and goals, Peggy! I'm so excited for you and congrats on getting that deadline off your shoulders.
Hi, Peggy! Thanks for sharing the updates. Last week I did a blog post on my goals for 2013. So far everything is going pretty good.
Happy new year Peggy! Congrats on getting bk 2 in. :) I know what you mean about seeing the clicks on the tabs. When I see that I think-what did I put there? what are they reading? I need to go thru those too. lol
Can't wait to see your cover!
WHAT??? Three illustrators?? That sounds crazy! What's going on?
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