Because it made me laugh:
For the quirky-funny writer in your life:
For anyone who's ever almost had a heart attack after losing that chapter that was *so* difficult to get just right:
Why? This says it all.
Know someone who doesn't know any writers who live by them, and wants to find some? Wear one of these, and they'll come out of the woodwork. Promise.
For him:
For her:
For the writer man.
For the writer woman.
Something every writer should have, imo.
You can get this image printed on one of 22 different drink containers-- like a mug, a glass, a flask--whatever floats the writer in your life's boat.
Bahahaha! So true.
For all those people-watching sessions. On second thought, this may just tip the people off to what you're doing.....
My favorite. And really-- what goes better with this quote than a caffeinated beverage holder?
For the writer in your life who needs a little pick-me-up now and then:
(This reads "You're an awesome writer. Now get back to work." Backwards. So you can see it in the mirror. :))
And what every writer needs: the ability to stop time, so you can forget responsibilities and write whenever inspiration strikes.
For him:
For her:
What's the writerly gift you wish you had the most this Christmas?

I love all the shirts, enough for one a day! I'd never have to wear anything else. Great finds :-D
I totally went to check out the price of the time turner.
You've just brightened up my Monday :oD
I may have to invest in some of the t-shirts :o)
Can I have all of these gifts for Christmas? What a great list! :D
I want that time turner and well, all the shirts-esp. the one reminding me to get back to work:) bookmarking this post! And I have a free year of dropbox-really excited for it, but still paranoid-does it "really" work? I'm backing up my files via email and external hard drive as well.
Thanks for doing the leg work for me:)
Love the list! (I have the Get Back to Work t-shirt. :) ) I may need that super power thingie on a mug.
Oh, I love it! What brilliant ideas! And I completely agree that Blake Synder is a must have! Have a great holiday.
hmmm, I could wear those "deadline" tees at work too. :)
I so want to get Save the Cat someday! I've seen posts on it, and I've skimmed the worksheets, but I haven't had a chance to get it. Hmm...
Thanks for the ideas, Pegasus! :)
I love the hat that says, "I write therefore I rewrite." Although I look terrible in hats, so I'd want it on a shirt.
That's some seriously awesome stuff for some seriously geeky writers! We should all get some of this and geek out at LTUE this year! What? We'd fit right in!
love this stuff!
faves are research notebook & her timepiece - so hp!
Peggy, I'm totally loving this... I totally want the t-shirts... LOL...
LOL! Oh my gosh! I need to show this to my husband! LOVE!
hahaha! I especially love the t-shirt about the 2 different kinds of people in this world. Bahahaha!
Holy cow, I want all of these things!! I'm just going to send a link directly to this post to my husband. Brilliant list!
Love the list and you had me smiling at every one of them. Wouldn't mind getting that beverage holder but only with that same message on it :)
Fabulous list! Thank you, Peggy :)
I just love your list! Especially the t shirt about different kinds of people in the world!
I have to have the mug with the woman in a cap. Stat. These are all so fun and great gift ideas.
Those are awesome. My family would never think to give me anything writer related, which is a shame.
Merry Christmas!
The first shirt is awesome, and Dropbox has saved lives.
Merry Christmas, Peggy! I look forward to seeing you next week.
Those are awesome! I love the backwards Get to work shirt!
I saw a shirt that said I MAKE UP STUFF. So I hope I get it for Christmas!
Have a wonderful holiday, Peggy!
I think these are all cool ideas for gifts for writers. : )
This is great! I especially like the eavesdropping - I mean, research notebook. ;)
These are great. Love the Blacksmith one :)
I hope you have a fabulous Christmas!!!
These are awesome!! I'm definitely going to have to add some of these to my wish list next year and gift a few!
I asked Santa to bring me a new MacBook. I currently have a PowerBook G4 and it's 8.5 years old. I still love it, but it's sooo slow and driving this writer even more batty than usual. Hopefully I'm on Santa's Nice List!!! ;)
Peggy, I love them all! The best writerly gift..?? Uh, a writer retreat, maybe??
So funny. I love the hat. I think most of my non-writer friends think that I write: the end, immediately send out my book , and it is published two weeks later. If only...
A working mother who writes in her "spare" time - yeah, I so need that "stop" watch.
Funny post.
Awesome list of gift ideas! :-)
♥ Merry Christmas! ♥
those are all awesome but the time turner is top on my list!
Those are amazing! I also love the "Writer" vest that Castle has if you've ever seen that show.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
Too bad I found this post Christmas! But I did get "Save the Cat". It is an excellent read.
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