And kind of makes me sad I won't be joining in on all the fun. Instead of creating a messy draft, I'll get to be polishing one. (And actually, I really like polishing.) But at least I get to live vicariously through all of you who are! So tell me. Are you planning to do NaNoWriMo this year? Or do you have something else fun (or otherwise) planned for this month?
And since we haven't had a good graphical response to a The Way We Are post on here in FOREVER, let's do one this time, shall we?
All day Wednesday and Thursday, I'll update this graphic with everyone's responses. And.... go!

I'm not doing NaNo officially, but I'll be attempting to finish a novel by the end of November anyway. I'm hoping everyone else's creativity and diligence will rub off on me :)
What coincidence! I just put up a NaNoWriMo post. I'm participating again this year against my better judgement. Looking forward to it :)
Where's the space for "I don't know?"
I'm doing NaNo. Been planning for this all year while I've been working on other documents.
I've got you four marked! Mara, since you're still writing as if you are NaNoing, I put you on that side. Jeff, since you're not sure, I put you on the other side. Thanks, guys!
I'm getting that anxious, chest pain feeling...I am the midst of an edit, yet I signed up thinking edit would be done. I think I will trip and fall right at the starting line!
I'm doing both. See, my revision is going to require that roughly two-thirds of the novel be completely rewritten (I'm removing a POV). They'll all be new words and, despite the NaNo rules, I say they count. So both. :)
Definitely revising something else. And then something again after that's done.
I'm a go for NaNo-as long as I can get these revisions back to my agent by the 31st! I'm plugging away hard, so *crossing fingers* Even if I start a few days late I love being caught up in that NaNo feel of drafting with such a HUGE force of people. I can't wait!
I'm in, simply because the timing worked out and I need to get another written. Looks to be a busy month, though, not sure I'll succeed. :)
I am doing NaNo this year! :)
Okay-- I've got you all in the graph! Elizabeth, I put you on the NaNo side. Best of luck with that starting line! :) And Delia, I put you in both. :)
I'm planning my novel for NaNo! I can hardly wait to start writing it. :)
Good luck on your revisions!
Count me in for the NaNo-ing peeps!
Revision, but I'm not loving it as much as you. I'm an angst reviser!
I'm NaNo-ing! The more I say it, the more scared I get :-)
Something else. I did NaNo once and loved it but it's just not always feasible.
I've gotten everyone added up to this point. Even though I'm not doing it myself, I'm getting excited hearing that so many people are doing NaNo!
I highly doubt I'll be done with my WIP by the end of October, though it would be nice to add another 50,000 words to it. It's around 110,000 now, and my guesstimate is 150,000-200,000, so it is possible.
I am trying it for the first time! I have an outline, and not much more, for a MG dystopian novel. Wish me luck!
I have a WIP I'm going to work on instead. I am going to track my progress next month, though. Keeping track of words written is surprisingly motivating for me.
I'll be "Nanoing". I can almost guarantee that I won't finish, but I hope to at least write more than last year's 2,600...
I'm participating because I need the current WIP to sit in a drawer for a month before hitting edits hard. Maybe I can win this year!
I wish I could participate! :( I'm currently going through my proofs.
I thought I might have been able to NaNo a little, but alas...NO! I will be polishing my A off :).
I'm participating in NaNoWriMo.
Gah . . . I can't believe it's only a week away! It is exciting to be so close, though.
All you poor people not participating. *Sigh*
This will be year nine for me. I think. I'll be doing the Monster in the Heart of the Castle, unless I come up with something better.
Okay, I've got you all! Can you even believe how many orange balls there are in there?
I'm doing NaNo! I'm doing a collab with the lovely Cassie Mae AND a collab with the lovely Jessica Salyer. So I'll have my 50,000 words split between two works :)
Oh how I wish I could participate this year! I just don't think that this November will work out for know, baby coming any time now and in the middle of my last semester at school. I think I'm okay with not participating. I wish I could though! I'm hoping for next year :)
I'm in. I'm a little nervous I won't finish though.
I've already started my new WIP, but I think I'll use Nano as an excuse to concentrate on it :o)
Somehow I don't think it'll be as much fun as RevMo last year :o)
Count me in! I love NaNoWriMo :-)
I'm doing NaNo for the first time! My current MS is sitting on my agent's desk and we'll go on submission soon. I know I'll go completely nutballs if I don't have something to occupy my time, so it's perfect timing.
Except that both my kids have birthdays in November. And my in-laws are coming for a week. And I'm hosting Thanksgiving. Yipes. But still excited!!
sweet graphic! love when you do this!
i'm revising & other =)
good luck nanoers!
No NaNo for me this year, unfortunately. Not enough hours in the day :) I will be attempting to edit last year's NaNo novel, though, so you can put me down for "editing."
I'm in again this year. I somehow managed to finish another stage of revisions on 2 projects so that I could start a new story for NaNo. I'm really excited. :)
I'm doing NaNo! I'm so excited because I'm doing more outlining on this novel than I ever have! That's because this story has been haunting me for nearly two years, just waiting to be written. I'm hoping that the words are going to rush forth into a remarkable story. :)
I loved the survey you included. I'll be launching my greeting card line and tweaking my Baby Record Keepsake/Early Reader book. So no NaNo this year.
Enjoy polishing your book, Peggy
Nanoers! You're bursting at the seams! So awesome! I've got everyone entered to this point.
Glad there is such a great response for NaNo this year! I will also be living vicariously through the participants! Best of luck to everyone! Julie
Fun graphics! I'm a short 5K "race" away from finishing my WIP, so I'm sticking with that.
But, to be honest, I could never do NaNo unless I used it as a starting off point and went in accepting I'd never hit 50K. I work full-time and have kids. My max is about 5K words a week, usually 2-3K.
Good luck to everyone in it this year!
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