Today is my one year, one month, and one day blogiversary! *Tosses confetti* Thanks for coming by to celebrate with me!
My fabulous writing / blogging bff, Jessie Humphries at The B-Word and I started our blogs at virtually the same time, holding hands and fumbling through the dark together. And when you fumble together, it’s only appropriate to celebrate together. Especially when it adds to the epicness of it.
Because oh my goodness, THE EPIC.
Here’s the thing. We love you guys! We’ve been constantly amazed over the past one year, one month, and one day at how welcoming, supportive, helpful, kind and hilarious you all are. We wanted to show our gratitude.
So, we are giving away to one lucky winner......
(Drum roll, please)
Always wanted an e-reader? Here’s your chance to win! Already have one? You can get your choice of a gift certificate to Amazon, your choice of books from The Book Depository, or if you’re in the U.S., books from your favorite indie bookstore! This giveaway is even open internationally! (Where you live might affect the prize available to you. You’d have a choice of Amazon if it’s available in your country, or books from The Book Depository anywhere in the world.)
The giveaway opens today, on my one year, one month, one day blogiversary, and ends next Monday (July 23) at midnight EST, on Jessie’s one year, one month, one day blogiversary.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What? You want even more chances to win? Head on over to Jessie Humphries: The B-Word, if not for more chances, then do it because Jessie rocks! Plus, I hear she’s offering free spooning.
COLOR MY WORLD by Jane Kelley
2 days ago
OHMYGOD!!!!! this is the best giveaway EVER. WOW you guys are soooo generous!
Wow! I'm super impressed. :) I just recently found your blog. Lucky me I found it in time for this. :)
That is quite a prize! *enters giveaway*
Whhaaaat?! Best giveaway ever! Happy one year, one month, and one day blogiversary! :D
That is a pretty incredible giveaway--especially since we're already grateful just for you being around the blogosphere. :)
Wow. Awesome! Congratulations on reaching such a milestone!
WOWZA!!! All the awesome over here!
Awesome! Keep on bloggin', and congrats!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I thought you had been blogging much longer than that, you are so good at it. And thank you for the chance to win such a generous prize!
Congratulations on your anniversary and your new book coming out Peggy!
Thanks for throwing an awesome giveaway :)
This is an amazing prize. I am so glad you two started blogging together because I love you both :) Happy blogiversary!!!
This is awesome! And congrats on such a milestone!
Holy hotness batman! This giveaway is epic! :D Hey, at least I tried, right? ;) Congrats to you and Jessie!
What a generous giveaway. I love that you're celebrating a one plus one plus one!
Happy 1-1-1 Anniversary. Fun date to celebbrate. Isn't amazing how time flies? I started my writing blog, not because I'd heard writers should but because I was spending most of my time on my personal blog posting about writing. lol
Congrats on the blogiversary! It's been so much fun to get to know you!
HOLY HOTNESS! What an AWESOME giveaway!
Congrats on one year, Peggy!
Happy anniversary! What a great contest! Woo-hoo!
Congrats! This is a very generous giveaway. The only thing that could make it better is if you threw in a sock monkey or a ukulele...just sayin'. ;)
I was flying to this site ti see what the buzz was about. I still have my sock monkey jammies on, sitting in this holy hotness room.
Yay for the 111!! And awesome giveaway, holy crap! Pick me! Lol.
HOLY AWESOME!!! You two rock! I hope you know that! And congrats on all the success! Love you both!
Awesome giveaway by awesome people!!
What a fabulous giveaway guys, you rock!
Oh Peggy! I'm so happy for your blogiversary! What happiness! What bliss! The holy hotness of this summer is flying by, and so I think you and your kids should go out and learn to play the ukelele and make your own sock monkeys, because that's just fun :)
Sweet!!!!! Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary! What a fantastic giveaway!
Holy hotness, this giveaway is epic! Going to spread the word :)
Holy hotness, this giveaway is epic! Going to spread the word :)
Wow Peggy you are so popular! This is an awesome giveaway. I would love the Kindle, that way I can read while feeding the baby. (-:
This is AWESOME!!
I want in! What an incredible giveaway!!
Ooooh, consider me ENTERED!!
Congrats! I already have a Kindle but I wanted to stop by and say congrats on an epic milestone.
Holey spaghetti, what a great giveaway!
Congrats on the blogiversary! What a great contest!
As I told Jessie, this has got to be the mother of giveaways. So super generous of you guys! Keep up the awesome! :)
Books? Always love books, Thank you so much for this.
oh my god...this is amazing THANK YOU!
Congrats! This is awesome :)
Happy blogiversary! This is an amazing giveaway. Thank you!
How stinkin' cool is this? Congratulations, Pegasus! In one year, you've taken the blog world by storm! :D
Congrats Peggy. All my best.
Fantastic prizes! Congratulations on making it through a year of blogging!
Count me in! I would love!! to win this prize! :-D
I can't say "holy hotness" ... the phrase I use is Holy Handgrenades! Is that good enough?
Cool giveaway. I'm curious, are you and your friend splitting the cost of the prizes or is someone donating them to you for advertising? (Sorry, the "how do you work this" part of me is curious!)
Congratulations on a year of blogging! :) That's awesome!
Awesome giveaway! Hey, congrats on one year of blogging! Your blog is fantastically helpful!!! (One can never use too many exclamation points. ever.)
I had NO idea we started our blogs so close together. For some reason I thought you celebrated your 1 year last year right as I started following you.
CONGRATS!!!!! You guys are both SOOO awesome!
Holy hotness! This giveaway is more exciting than a flying sock monkey riding a eukelele :o|
You are such a star giving away such an awesome prize! Congratulations on your 1-1-1 aniversary :o)
What an awesome giveaway. So cool you and Jessie are friends. I'm really glad I found your blog.
You two girls are like, you know, holy hotness! I'd love to win ANY of those prizes. Especially your books.
My oldest taught herself how to play the ukelele if you want to use her talent for your book launch (*grins like a crazy stage mother*).
Holy flying sock monkeys, Batman! I just scared my kids by yelling "I want to win this prize!"
Did you hear me? I shouted it really loud! Along with:
flying, ukelele, sock monkey, and holy hotness!
Congrats Peggy!
Wow! That's an amazing giveaway!
Thanks for the great blog and the contest. Now I need to grab my sock monkey and ukelele and go flying up to North Carolina to get away from Florida's holy hotness.
Would love any of these! A already follow. :-)
Holy hotness, what a generous giveaway...of course I have to enter, so I'll be flying your banner across twitter, while playing the ukelele with one hand and using my foot to control the sock monkey. It's all possible. :)
My sock monkey would be so happy for me if I won this awesome prize!!!
Well, congratulations! I enjoy your posts very much.
Holy Sock Monkeys, I want to win this thing!!!
(I think I will be using that phrase a lot. Thanks for the prompt)
This giveaway is the grand hot holiness of them all:) I hope I didn't flub up, but I entered on your entry form and Jessie's. Just take one of mine off if that is a no no. And...CONGRATS on this amazing year you've had!!!
Wow! What an awesome giveaway! Happy Blogiversary to you both! :)
Congratulations! Only one year? But you are such a pro at this! Awesome. I have been at it longer but do not even compare ....:-)
Wow, congratulations!
Kathy M.
This is one of the coolest giveaways I think I've ever seen. And how exciting to have such an interesting anniversary of blogging.
Wow - this is amazing! Congratulations!!! :)
HOLY HOTNESS! :) Peggy, you're an inspiration. For reals.
Holy sexy, hotness sock monkey! (He's wearing a Speedo--in some countries that's sexy)
Yay! Congrats guys, and I'd LOVE an ereader! :)
I love that you're celebrating not just one year, but one year, one month AND one day. Way to go. :)
I'm so broke right now so $75 to indulge in books would be amazing! Thanks!
I can't believe you've only been doing this for one year, one month, and one day! You're such a pro at it! And honestly I get such a kick out of your posts. :-)
So here's to you - flying with a ukelele-playing sock monkey through the holy hotness so you can bestow all of your cookie-related marvels on us! ;-)
Congrats on your blogiversary!
Congratulations and this is a great twist on the regular 1 year :)
Happy Blog Birthday, Peggy (and Jessie)! And what a great giveaway to celebrate. :)
Hey, I love the look of your blog! I just found it, and I'm already excited about your book!
Ridiculously brilliant competition! Thank you so so much!
This is honestly the best giveaway I've joined this year. Just thinking about the books I can buy in Book Depository is making me giddy. Thank you thank you!
"I want to win the prize out loud" <----Bahahahaha!!!!
Peggy, too fun. I seriously ADORE you. Such a fun give-a-way and I love your blog. I'm excited for all your future adventures! ;)
Holy Hotness! I'm flying in with my sock monkey and strumming my ukelele cause it's party time here!!
Wow! What an amazing giveaway! I would LOVE to enter this! :D
WOW, happy anniversary! I'd love to enter, Mama needs a new Kindle. <3
Thanks for the awesome giveaway and all the amazing blogging you do! Great contest, ladies.
Your blog is so cute! Love it!
Happy anniversary! Awesome contest! :D
Oh my Flying Ukelele's what an amazing giveaway! Love both of you guys. And what else could you expect, because when both of you get together, phwew, HOLY HOTNESS! Also, sock monkeys rock.
Congrats on the anniversary!
What a great Idea!
Congrats on your one/one/one! Sara Larson is also correct with her statement on sock monkeys.
love you peggy!!!
OK- I'm super late and super lame. Congrats on your Blogiversary!!! Can't wait to see you soon!! :)
Impressive prizes, Peggy! Happy blogiversary to you too - even if I am a little late... Sorry...
OMG I love reading and would love and ereader!! You guys are awesome!
OMG I love reading and would love and ereader!! You guys are awesome!
Hi Peggy! I hope you are having a fun blog anniversary. Here's hoping a familiar face :)
Amazing giveaway! & congrats on the anniversaries :)
What an amazing giveaway. I hope I win so I can read lots of books about ukeleles on my e reader ;)
This is a sweet giveaway! Your success is definitely an inspiration. Holy flying sock puppets, Batman! :)
I would LOVE to win any of these prize. Thanks for the great contest, Peggy!
Awesome giveaway - and it looks like I barely got in before the deadline! :) Congrats to you both on your blog birthdays.
Happy Blogiversary!! What an amazing giveaway.
Holy Hotness Ian Somerholder is on my tv! I must grab my ukelele and trusy sock monkey side kick and sing my love to him. He can fly through my window any night.
Oops! Did I just say that out loud? TMI??
Dang, I missed it!!! That's what I get for hiding under a rock the past month. Congratulations to the winner! :-)
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