"Writing is the only profession where no one considers you ridiculous
if you earn no money."
~ Jules Renard
I love the sentiment here. Buuuuut, I'm pretty sure there were plenty of people who considered me ridiculous for pouring so much time into something before I got paid for it. But do you know what? It's okay to look ridiculous! Check this out:
"It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them."
~Agatha Christie
See? It just makes us more loveable.
*raises a cookie in toast* Here's to all the people in life who thought we were loveable even without thinking we were ridiculous. :)
Photo credit and recipe link from Lisa is Cooking |
(Apparently spring is making me want summer.)
Have a ridiculously fabulous Friday, everyone!
You first comment is awesome! A writer can write about all sorts of bizarre weirdness and yet still be considered a genius!
Love the quotes, but I think there are more people who think I'm completely ridiculous to have given up a great job to write - and to never have my house sparkling clean because the WIP comes first. Whatever.
I like how being ridiculous can apply to dreams and not just personality. Dream ridiculously and then go after and don't worry about what people think :)
I've spent most of my life looking ridiculous in one form or another, so I'm ok with being a ridiculous writer, too. ;^)
Great post!
I suppose that is the ridiculous thing, isn't it? That we can put years of effort into something and never get paid for it. Writing does make me ridiculous, especially when I start pulling at my hair because I can't get this #%&@ right!
Whenever my mum says to me, "Trisha, you're a complete NUT!" I take it as a great compliment. hehe
the writing community is great to help with feeling like a nut. Lots of us nuts out there!
Absolutely wonderful Agatha Christie quote. I DO love it when someone is "ridiculous," even if that just means funky shades, colorful shoes or daring to write their dreams. Anything to show originality and independent thinking rocks--and then pushes me to want to same.
I want to be MORE ridiculous, so bring it on! Oh, and I want one of those s'more cookies, too!!!
I think when people look ridiculous, you see more of their authentic self. Have a good weekend.
Oh boy, ridiculous is my middle name. But whatev, its better that some other things I've been called!
Oh, I love that quote by Christie!!! I find that the more human people are the more I like them. They feel real and honest.
Love the quotes! People totally think I'm ridiculous for spending so much time on something I don't get paid for. Oh, well :)
First, I want that cookie. :)
And I love being ridiculous! It's much more fun than living a boring life. :)
Every time I see the word "ridiculous" I can't help but imagine Scooby Doo saying "ridicurous."
Sorry, I'm just being redicurous again.
The cookie distracted me. Where you saying something about...
Whoa! I love that Agatha Christie quote! Love, love, love it! Thanks for happyizing my day!
One of the reasons I like the people of Blogville so much is because the ridiculousness is in abundance, but we all get it.
That's it. I'm making s'mores tonight. Might even make them with chocolate chip cookies.
How can you mention summer at the same time you show that scrumptious cookie! I really need to lose weight!!! Acckkkk!!!
its because if they can be ridiculous fr you or around you, they are comfortable and trust you =)
Shiny. Let's be ridiculous. ;)
(Okay, so I tweaked the line a little...)
Yum, that cookie looks amazing.
Here's to being ridiculous.
It is pretty ridiculous - you earn very little per hour (even a £10,000 advance is low divided by the hours and hours of writing time), you're constantly told how bad you are (rejections), you constantly tell yourself how bad you are... but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Well... perhaps that £10,000 would be nice, but...
Well, anyone who knows me personally already reallizes how ridiculous I am. Those cookies have me yearning for campfires!!
Seriously, that cookies took my breathe away. Mmm, cookie.
Holy cow - that cookie looks delish!
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