First, one of my favorite ideas ever. For any shower brain stormers: Aqua Notes! It's a special kind of paper and a special kind of pencil that work IN WATER. Even under water! It's brilliant, I tell you.
This is a bookshelf. How's that for personality?!
Can't seem to stay away from books even when you go to bed? You can take the book with you, and snuggle up with it all night long.
You know how, when you are really in the writing zone, the hours just disappear and suddenly it's the middle of the night, or nap time for the little ones is over? And you just wish time would stop so you can keep going? Or are you fulfilling all of your other responsibilities and have a story churning so fiercely in your head that you can't stand the fact that you can't get away for a few minutes to get it on paper? Then you need a Time Turner!
Ever suffered from Writer's Block? This handy block has 786 ideas to jump-start your creativity. (Does it look like it weighs about a ton to anyone else?)
How would you like a life-sized sculpture in your house? This one was practically MADE for writers. Why? This cool guy is made from the parts of a typewriter! No joke. How cool is that?
So there's this guy who makes 3D sculptures out of books, and they are amazing! Click on this link to check out some of his masterpieces. They're brilliant!
This is a working computer. Placed inside an actual book. Incredible, right? If that doesn't make you feel like writing, I don't know what will.
Writers everywhere will be dying over these shoes! Oh, wait. Maybe not writer's everywhere.... Maybe just me. They're just so clever!
More writer's blocks! These have pictures or words on all sides. You can rearrange them in tons of different ways, and the ones showing can inspire vastly different stories!
Need a party dress? One that says "I love to read?" This one was made out of a book!
Looking for a handbag to go with the dress? These were each made out of actual book covers! Each one is unique. Kinda like that dress.
I saved this one for last, because it actually warms my heart. An "It takes a group to raise a writer" notebook. Doesn't it just get you *right* here?
What are you hoping to give or get this year? Any of these things strike your fancy? :)

P.S. Thank you so much Prerna Pickett! She blogs at Sands of Writing, and just awarded me the Blog on Fire award, and the One Lovely Blog Award. I'm so flattered, Prerna!
Is it even possible to walk in those shoes? I don't know how you women do it.
Books, books, books :) I love getting books for Christmas.
These are too funny. I sort of want that dress though...
I have my great grandma's antique typewriter. My husband wants to wire it up to work like a keyboard. I don't think so.
Journals are great gifts for any writer. Or printer ink. Why does no one buy me ink?
These are so cool. I wish I could afford them all.
I had that paper dress, but I wore it out in the rain...big mistake. Now I need another one.
I totally want that bookshelf! I'd invite everyone over just to look at it, lol
That note pad is really tempting, but I'm afraid it would increase my shower time. :)
Those are awesome! My favorite is the dress. Oh, and the bookshelf.
This is hilarious. I want/need the time turner, how awesome would it be to do twice as much stuff?
The bed cover looks cool, does it have pages you can turn?
I just want to have time to finish my novel.
wow! crazy for books all right!
love the bookshelf man & the dress =)
I'm just hoping for a copy of Jamie Grey's manuscript (the one from MSFV's latest auction about TIME DRAGONS I MEAN SERIOUSLY HOLY COW) on my Kindle. But I've made that very clear to her.
I seriously think she rues the day her entry was placed above mine. But I can deal with that, as long as I can get her to send me the darn thing.
The notebook is my favorite. I really want one. Really. Where did you find it?
Haha, those are awesome!
These are amazing!! I love the purses!
I want the computer inside the book, how lovely is that?
I will be expecting a book purse for Christmas now! jk. That would be fun to walk around Storymakers with your own book cover made into a purse, eh? You should look into that!
You're welcome! And those heels were really something.
Great post, love the shoes.
I love that bookshelf. A few of the others seem...hmmm...interesting and intruging.
Oh my gosh - what awesome ideas! I am going for a few books and the Storymakers conference! Whoot-whoot!
I NEED that bookshelf and robot statue.
And looking at that shoe gives me veritgo!
I need that dress.
I need those aqua notes! I have serious brainstorming sessions in the shower! And I want one of those purses too. The end.
Some of them are awesome ideas! Dare I say that you missed a couple.
There's the digital pen. It allows you to write on anything you like and converts your handwriting into text.
And secondly, you should check out the notepads on
I partlicularly like the notebook to be kept by the bed called "Midnight Musings Of a Sleepless Genius"
Btw, your post just made me feel very festive :o)
That bookcase is so cool!
How flippin' fun are those? Now I just need a book-lovin' sugardaddy to buy them for me! *grins* ...Okay, okay. I was kidding about the last part.
Great post! :)
I love that "it takes a group to raise a writer" and the shoes are awesome.
I so want that computer book! How cool is that?!
You find the most funny, odd things!!
I love that book shelf - added it to my pinterest. I want lasik so I can always see what I'm reading and writing. Ah, a girl can dream, right :)
OMG that dress is gorgeous. I would totally wear it even if it's made from a book. Just beautiful.
Love the bookshelf and the quilt. Those are pretty cool. I ask for gift cards so i can purchase books!
Love the bookshelf and the quilt. Those are pretty cool. I ask for gift cards so i can purchase books!
So awesome! I LOVE those Aqua notes! I come up with some of my best ideas in the shower. :)
And I want books for Christmas. Books, Books, BOOKS! :D
OMGoodness! I have to get one of those handbags! Too cool!
Oooh! I love your ideas! All those writers blocks are going right on my list!!!
Peggy, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these! The only ones I'd seen before are the Book Sculptures and note blocks. Every time I see one of the book sculptures, I'm just amazed! I wrote about them on my blog....sometime in the past. Don't remember when exactly! Thanks for the adorable ideas!
JeffO-- We can only do it if the shoes are cute. ;)
Kelley-- Me, too! (On both accounts. :))
Tonja-- Printer ink! That's the perfect gift for a writer! I never even thought of that. (Maybe no one else has, either, and that's why you never get it. ;))
Clarissa-- I know, right? Some of them probably cost as much as my car!
Angela-- I laughed and laughed and laughed when I first read your comment yesterday, and now I'm laughing and laughing again! You killed me twice!
Cassie-- You can't exactly have a bookshelf like that and NOT invite people over! :)
David-- It probably would. But the way I see it, the ideas go away as soon as I turn off the water, so it would save me the time of having to re-think the ideas later. ;)
Kristine-- I love those two, too! Except suddenly I'm wondering if you can sit down in that dress. I think if you did, the backside would suddenly be crinkled in ways it wasn't meant to be crinkled.
Melanie-- I don't think you can turn the pages on the book bedspread, or get a new book. Darn it. And the time turner is definitely my number one wish list item! Time, time, time. If there were only more time!
Tara-- Those are two of my favorites, too!
Leigh Ann-- I feel sad that I don't have any clue what MSFV is or who Jamie Grey is or what Time Dragons is about. But then every time I read your comment, I get over being sad because you're just so. darn. funny!
E.R.-- Isn't it just the coolest thing ever? The link is in blue in the sentence above it. But here's it again, just in case:,40881141
S.L.-- I think so, too! :D
CN-- I know! Some people are so clever.
Sarah-- The writing juices would flow the second you put your hands on that, wouldn't it?
Jessie-- Hahaha! I hadn't thought of that! The book purses are definitely the bomb.
Prerna-- :) I think it would be hard to find something to wear them with. But they're just so clever, I can't stand it! I want them.
Andrea-- Me, too. Even if they do look like the heels must be at least 4 inches. :)
Angela B-- I love it, too. And does "hmmm...interesting and intruging" mean good or bad? ;)
Leigh-- Me, too! Books and Storymakers! I'm going to have to hunt you down and find you. :)
Jay-- Then you better get them if they're a NEED! Otherwise, bad things happen. ;)
Erin-- Just wear it to a wedding, and count it as a photography expense. ...Just don't sit down.
J.A.-- Me, too! And then I forget everything once I turn off the shower. They're a genius idea! (And at least your needs are a couple of the less expensive items. :))
Iain-- I'm glad I made you feel festive. :) And a digital pen! That's a fabulous writer's gift! Why didn't I think of that? Oh, and WaldoPancake is my new favorite site.
Chippy-- I know, right? :)
Carrie-- I don't know if you can order a book-lovin' sugardaddy online. Oh, wait. You probably can. I'd still go for asking Santa for one. It seems safer that way. :)
Patti-- Those are the two that got me THE MOST, too!
Janet-- I know! Some people are SO clever.
Carterista-- It takes real skill. ;)
Tasha-- I want lasik, too! Only without the laser cutting at my eye part.
Lan-- I love it! She did such a fabulous job of it, especially considering what she had to work with!
Laura-- Books are one of the things I want most, too. :)
Chantele-- My brain works best while I'm in the shower, too. I love the idea of aquanotes! I kind of wish they were notebook-sized papers, though. :)
Sharon-- So clever and unique, aren't they?
Susanna-- I love the idea, and they are so cute besides!
Becky-- I looked through his sculptures, and every single on of them is amazing! I can't even imagine the kind of time that goes into creating some of those.
I saw a story on that guy who carves sculptures out of old books on a TV news magazine. It's amazing what he's done. His work is so intricate and detailed. And hey, I love that writable notepad for the shower. I want one!
Nancy-- That story sounds so fascinating! I'd love to watch how he works.
Coolest post ever! Aqua notes? Genius idea, considering my best ideas come to me in the shower. :)
And it definitely takes a group to raise a writer!
Ooh, I LOVE these! Am so tempted to drop what I'm doing and go online shopping :D
Jennifer-- I know! Genius! That's where I get my best ideas, too.
Rachael-- Hehehe! I know what you mean. Hugs to you, too!
Time Turner: Yes.
Leather-bound Laptop: Hell yes.
Mandolin: Anyone buying? Yes? Please?
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