Here's just a few shots of all the fun:
Before starting the school year, it was time to stock up on bookmarks! This is what 15,000 bookmarks looks like all boxed up. That's 104 pounds! It lasted me nearly 2/3 of a school year.
This is my bookmarks suitcase. I load it up before each week that I head out to do school visits. A week's worth weighs about 35 pounds!
A welcome poster from Brushy Creek Elementary.
I'm a teensy tiny bit afraid terrified of spiders. See this whole fenced in area in the picture above and below? This is at Chandler Oaks Elementary (you can see the edge of the school on the right in the pic below). That fenced in area is there to protect a rare breed of SPIDER that is close to extinction! I was simultaneously terrified and fascinated and couldn't stop staring (and checking to make sure no spiders had found their way inside the school and up my back). Someone seriously needs to write a book set here.
The Welcome sign at Chandler Oaks. Isn't that amazing?!?!
I got to visit Channing Hall ON HALLOWEEN! I've made it a goal in life to speak at a school every Halloween. So fun!
Some great volunteers helping me out at Deepwood Elementary.
Deepwood students.
Deerwood Elementary.
At England Elementary, the students had the opportunity to write an essay to their librarian about why they wanted to have breakfast with me. We had a great time sitting and chatting!
And of course, signing books!
At Forest North Elementary, one of the students made me these welcome signs. Get it? BOMB, as in "Bomb's Breath"?! I got the hugest kick out of this creativity and amazing work! I was so thrilled when I got to meet the artist behind them.
Speaking at Forest North, and having lunch with the kids who won the library's contest was a blast (see what I did there?), too!
Presenting at Holt Elementary.
In Arlington, TX, I was speaking with a group of students, and one of the kids drew a picture of me as I was presenting, then gave it to me afterwards. Isn't that the greatest thing ever?
A wonderful welcome from Brushy Creek Elementary!
A full house at Canyon Elementary!
A wonderful visit at Eagle Springs Elementary. (Thanks for the pictures, Librarian Laura Jackson!)
At Eiland Elementary, each of the students got a chance to choose whether they'd like to be a jumper (like Hope), or an inventor (like Aaren). I loved reading their reasons!
Eiland Elementary was one of the most incredible school visits I've ever had. It's a school with 90% economically disadvantaged kids, and the librarian and principal worked hard to get every single kid in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade their own copy of Sky Jumpers. All the teachers read the book to their class, and all the kids were able to follow along, putting in Post-It notes whenever they had questions or connections, or thoughts they wanted to share. Signing books that looked like this will always be one of the highlights of my career. (As was answering their incredibly thoughtful questions about the book!)
A bunch of inventions at Epps Island Elementary.
One of the 5th grade teachers at Great Oaks Elementary read SKY JUMPERS to her class, and then they each wrote me letters. I cried more than once. There's some seriously sweet stuff there.
Some students at Hartman Elementary showing how they can work with their strengths!
Do you know what I love every bit as much as hanging out with kids? Hanging out with librarians!
I visited Haude Elementary, a school where a half wall surrounded their library. Every single 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader created their own invention, and they covered the walls with them! I stood and stared at this wall for the longest time. So much creativity in one place!
At Holt Elementary, they read on my website that my favorite animal is a meerkat, and had this adorable little guy there to greet me. Isn't that the sweetest thing ever?
At Locke Hill Elementary, I met a librarian who had an awe-inspiring influence on the kids in her school. I will never forget her. Looking out for the needs of others is something she's seriously pro at. She even had lunch waiting for me, along with sweet cards from students!
Some kids at Monarch Elementary came early to show me a wonderful welcome!
Oyster Creek Elementary has a lunchtime book club, and I got to have a wonderful lunch with them after visiting their school. This was a fun and outgoing group of girls!
At Pine Forest Elementary, I got to have a cupcake social with this great group of kids! We had so much fun chatting!
At Reinhardt Elementary they gave me a wonderful welcome, and a fantastic time at our assemblies!
A student in San Antonio recreated my cover for me. Such an artist!
At Timberwood Middle School, I got to speak with 515 6th and 7th grade students at once in a packed gym. They participated like crazy! We had an amazing assembly.
Fun chatting with kids after the assembly at Jones Elementary.
Some fun Skype visits at Naumann (above) and Pinkerton (below).
Chatting with some kids with great questions at West Pelzer Elementary.
Lunch and lots of questions at West Pelzer!
I've gotten a chance to speak with so many amazing, brilliant, thoughtful, vibrant, eager students, along with their equally amazing librarians, and for that, I will be forever grateful!

It certainly looks like you've been busy and made a lot of friends! Great that you're helping to promote a love of reading and creativity in so many kids. I'm just thinking though... that must be one big spider that they don't worry about them wandering out through the fence??
Right?! Equally fascinating and horrifying, isn't it?
And thank you! It's certainly one of the most enjoyable and rewarding parts of being an author.
so cool. I agree with them. You're awesome.
What fun you've been having. My nephew volunteers at a library in South Carolina and was thrilled to see your book on their preferred reader list. I had sent him a signed copy of your book years ago when it was first released, so he is just beside himself.
Congratulations on the successful book tour of those schools! That looks like a lot of fun. And collecting bookmarks is fun too; I used to collect piles of them when I was a kid (and also a teenager).
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