• Lots and lots of school visits. My favorite. :)
January 28
• Book signing at the Orem Public Library in Orem, Utah at 7:00 pm, in the Ship's Cove in the children's area.
February 13-15
• Life the Universe and Everything in Provo, Utah. I'll be on panels (TBA) and part of the group book signing. Have you ever been before? It's a three day symposium attended by around 1300 people, (so of course there are tons of workshops and panels on a huge variety of subjects), and is only $45 for all three days. Even though that seems like an insanely low price, no-- that wasn't a typo.
March 8
• Teen Author Boot Camp at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah. I will be teaching a class titled “When ideas are stuck in your head and they can’t find their way out” at 10:10, I'll be on a panel for junior high writers at 2:40, then signing books at 5:20.
March 22
• Writing for Charity: Provo City Library, Utah. This is a one day conference at a great price, the proceeds benefit charity, and will be many kinds of awesome. I'll be doing critiques, be on a handful of panels throughout the day, and participate in a mass book signing at 4:00. I'll post more about this as everything gets finalized. It will definitely be worth looking into!
March 24
• Davis County School District’s Family Literacy Night: Davis High School in Kaysville, Utah. I will be doing workshops, then signing books. This is a family event.
April 8-11
• Texas Library Association's annual conference in San Antonio, Texas. More details to come. I'm kind of sort of insanely excited about this one. I'll also be doing some school visits and a signing in Texas with the ever awesome Polly Holyoke while I'm down there.
April 17-19
• Salt Lake Comic Con FanXperience: Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. More info TBA. (Side note: Last year's SLCC was the first, and it blew records out of the water. This year, they're expecting attendance to top an unbelievable 100,000. It sounds like it's going to be a blast!)
April 25-26
• LDStorymakers Writing Conference: Davis Conference Center in Layton, Utah. I'm kind of in love with this conference. I'll be doing two presentations on writing middle grade– “The Parent Problem in Middle Grade” at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, and “Getting Inside the Head of a Middle Grade Kid” at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. I will also be a boot camp instructor on Thursday, and will be part of the mass book signing on Saturday.
April 30-May 2
• Utah Library Association's Annual Conference at the South Towne Expo Center in Sandy, Utah. More details to come.
May 6
• I'll be attending the book launch for Jessie Humphries' KILLING RUBY ROSE in Las Vegas, Nevada. Woot!
June 26- July 1
• American Library Association's annual conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. More details to come.
August 21
• Professional Writers Series: The Pleasant Grove Public Library in Pleasant Grove, UT. I'll be moderating and participating on a panel about writing for the middle grade audience. I'm thrilled to be doing the panel with Jennifer A. Neilsen (The False Prince trilogy), and an unconfirmed but amazing third panelist.
September 25
• The Forbidden Flats Launch Party! More details to come.
October 16-18
• And I think I may be going to the Vegas Valley Book Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada. Details to come.
Do you have any fun writerly events planned this year? Will I get to see you at any of these?

Busy girl! Now the question is, when will you have time to write? ;)
That is an amazing list, Peggy! I'm so happy for you and wish you the best of everything!
Looking at that makes my eyes all big and shiny! That's a lot of mileage! The best to you and I'll see you at one or two of those events. :)
Wow! You've got a lot going on. Wish I lived there so I could go to the conference.
2014 looks to be a year of whirlwind adventures, panels, teaching and lots of school time with the target audience for your book, which is the BEST!
Congrats, Peggy! I wish you the best at all your 2014 events.
Busy and FUN schedule! But I don't see my birthday on your list...
Busy busy! All of it sounds so exciting and fun!
Any of your school events in Cedar? Looks like a super fun and busy year!
You're coming to TEXAS!!!! I really, really want to see you when you're here. Is there any way to do that??
I'm so good at commenting with the wrong account.. sorry about that. But I still want to see you in Texas :D
Jennie-- I'll be in San Antonio the whole time, which is I think about a three hour drive from you. :(
Oh man, 2014 is gonna be rad! I want to do every SINGLE thing with you! Like stalker style :)
Oh man, 2014 is gonna be rad! I want to do every SINGLE thing with you! Like stalker style :)
What a busy couple of months--awesome!
Looks like it is going to be a fun but busy year for you. : )
Busy fun times! Too bad I won't be in UT. :)
GEEZ...busy much?? you sure you can't come out here for the heck of it and give an in-home seminar?? I bake killer cookies...
hmmm...I plan to do some laundry...guess that doesn't rank...or does it?
I'll see you at Storymakers. It was great to meet you last year:)
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