If you live in or anywhere around Utah, there are some fabulous conferences coming up in the next three months!
Where: Provo, Utah (At the Provo Marriott Hotel)
When: February 13-16 (That's in just 2 1/2 weeks!)
Price: $45. (Might be more if you register after Jan 31.)
For 3 DAYS of conference!
Link: http://ltue.net/
What: Tons and tons of panels, and over 1,300 people
who love writing just as much as you.
Why: Because there is seriously something for everyone.
This conference has an incredible variety. I've gone every
year since I learned about it 6 years ago.
Where: Orem, UT (Utah Valley University)
When: March 8
Price: $49 (if you register by Feb. 8)
What: A writer's conference just for TEENAGERS! How awesome is that?
Why: Because there are awesome people presenting (hello! James Dashner
and Ally Condie! Plus a ton more), and they (okay, I should say we)
are all doing presentations specifically geared toward teens.
Where: Provo, UT (At the amazing and beautiful Provo City Library)
When: March 22
Price: $50
What: A one day writer's conference where all of the proceeds go to
a charity that provides books to shelters and hospitals for children in crisis.
Why: Every single panelist is nationally published, and the panels all
fall within five tracks-- Beginners, Picture Book / MG / YA,
Advanced / Professional Writers, Craft & Technique,
and The Business of Writing.
Where: Layton, UT (Davis Conference Center)
When: April 25-26, with boot camp / publication primer on April 24
Price: $185 (by Feb. 20)
What: Many workshops and presentation on all areas of writing, for
all age groups and genres, attended by top agents and editors.
Why: This conference has an incredibly high quality of instruction
by published authors and agents and editors that are the top in their
field. This is my favorite conference.
It's the one I make sure to never miss. I highly recommend it.
Have you been to any of these conferences, or are you planning to go this year? Do you have any others that are a favorite in or out of Utah? I'd love to hear about them!