That's so strange to say! Sky Jumpers releases today. Sky Jumpers releases today. Sky Jumpers releases today.You know how sometimes, you're in one state for so long that it feels like you're going to always be in that state? (Like how I'm always going to be 27. ;)) I've felt like I'm always going to be in the "I have a book coming out.... eventually" state and never the "I have a book out" state.
But guys. The day is here. And I am so thrilled! I'm excited for my baby to be out in the world, where she can be read! I'm excited that she's real and this story and these characters that have been such a part of my life are out there. Almost like they exist now in some non-corporeal yet still somehow real way.
I thought it might be fun to share some numbers, if for no other reason than I love numbers. (And pictures of numbers.)(Obviously.) Here we go!
Months to draft Sky Jumpers

Months to edit Sky Jumpers before getting an agent
Months to edit Sky Jumpers after getting an editor
Days from book deal to book release
Days Sky Jumpers was on sub before being bought by Random House
Rounds of edits Sky Jumpers went through in total
In regards to the packages that have landed on my doorstep in the last few weeks in preparation for my launch party and school visits....
Sky Jumpers t-shirts

Sky Jumpers bookmarks
Sky Jumpers buttons

Sling shots
Foam apples
Sky Jumpers postcards

Pair of gigantic gloves

School kids I'm speaking to TODAY
School kids I'll be speaking to tomorrow and Thursday
Months from Sky Jumpers' inception to being in print

The amount of gratitude I have for you all and your incredible support, your wise words, your shared laughs, your helping hands, your shoulders to cry on, your kind words, your comments, your tweets, your encouragement, and your friendship. I love you all.

photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc photo credit: TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ via photopin cc photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc photo credit: El Negro Magnifico via photopin cc photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc photo credit: Eva the Weaver via photopin cc photo credit: mag3737 via photopin cc photo credit: Larry Miller via photopin cc photo credit: oskay via photopin cc photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc
Congratulations! I'll be looking to read it for my MMGM one day!
Woohoo! Congratulations! I pre-ordered my copy and it should be on its way to Russia. Can't wait to read it after "knowing" you for all these months :)
Congrats Peggy! So excited for you. And so awesome that you're seeing so many kids today and tomorrow.
Why don't you celebrate by eating some cookies (don't overdo it)?
Congratulations, Peggy!
I can't wait to read it! Congratulations!
It's been great watching your journey for all those days. Congrats!!!
Is it real? It can't be real! I'm going to have to go back to bed and wake up again and see if its still real! (I wish). Ahhhh, Peggy! This is so surreal.
Yay, Peggy! CONGRATS! Happy release day. : )
Wow. Those numbers make my head spin. May you sell a billion (yes that's with a "B") books.
Whoop! That is so exciting! Well done, Peggy - I hope you're cracking open something to celebrate!
YAY! Congrats!!! I love how you displayed your 'numbers' so fun!
Yay, congrats!
Awesome. I'm so excited for you!
Those are incredibly numbers and such a great adventure! Congratulations!! :)
Congratulations! Can't wait to read it. :D
Fantastic! Congratulations Peggy. I can't wait to read it.
Congratulations, Peggy!
Congratulations, Pegasus! <3
Congratulations, good luck with it :-)
This is so amazing!! Congrats!! And thanks for sharing that run down of stats. It's very cool to see how far you've come (and some of the exciting stuff that's just getting underway).
Love all those numbers. My hubby was fascinated by your book when it came in the mail. It's lovely!
CONGRATULATIONS PEGGY!!!!!!!!!!! SO exciting! I'm so happy for you!!! And wow - 7 days on sub? That's impressive! I can't wait to read your book. I never heard back from your indie bookstore, so I may just have to get one from Amazon :) Enjoy your book birthday! :)
CONGRATULATIONS! Throws confetti!
Happy Release Day!
Enjoy it.
Loved the way you laid out the countdown. :-)
So excited! Love your post and all those number pics!
So fun to see it in numbers! And I'm sure you rocked those school visits!
I started reading it aloud to my 11 and 13 year old boys, who both thought it might be too young for them. You would have loved the smile spreading across my face when they begged for another chapter before bed. This time, I made them admit that mom was right! Thanks Peggy!! I can't wait to finish it with them. Two thumbs up!
Love this post with all the numbers! You clever, very clever indeed. Congrats on the awesome book launch!
Aw! I love this Peggy! It's fun to see the number. :)
The numbers!!!! I love this post.
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