I am buried so very, very deeply in my revision cave, it took hours to climb back out! (Only not really. I'm actually just below the surface-- there's still a blog tour to write posts for and kids to get ready to go back to school this week and dinner to make, you know?) Anyway, how about a few updates?

I'm thrilled to announce that there's another giveaway of a SKY JUMPERS advanced reader copy (ARC), and it's also open
internationally! There's a link to enter just right over there ----> in the sidebar.
Speaking of SKY JUMPERS...
The American Booksellers Association just unveiled their list of Best Books for Children of 2013, and SKY JUMPERS made the list! (In case you were wondering, yes. This is what I use to get me over that feeling when I cross something off my to-do list, and realize that there are five more things on it than there was an hour ago...)
Yesterday I did a Q&A live forum event for WriteOnCon. I had so much fun! Everyone asked some very insightful and helpful questions. If you missed it and want to read through the questions and answers, you can right
here, in the WriteOnCon forums.
Ever wondered what was the inspiration behind Sky Jumpers (including the soaring through the air that you see on the cover)? I've posted my
origins story over at the Crowe's Nest.
Yay on making the ALA list. And I am so sorry I was at work when your live WriteOnCon session was on. But I've been reading through it and it's awesome! I'll link to it in your interview.
Congrats on making the ALA list!
So excited for you and all the good stuff going on with Sky Jumpers and you. Can't wait to read the WriteOnCon session. :)
Awesome about Sky Jumpers making the ABA! And well done with WriteOnCon! :)
Congrats, Peggy! So awesome. You definitely deserve some extra special cookies for that. :)
I'm glad you had fun with your WriteOnCon Q&A since you had to come out of your cave. Must have been a nice break.
Congrats Peggy! That's awesome! :)
Whew! What a busy woman. :) Congratulations, Pegasus!
P.S. I LOVE your website!
Enjoy your revisions cave. I'm hoping to win me a copy! :)
I missed your live Q and A, but was able to check it out after the fact. Really helpful. Congrats on ALA!
AH! Congratulations for making the list! In the presence of royalty we are :)
Great things happening for you. Congrats! Love you cover.
I love all your exciting news and cannot wait to read Sky Jumpers! Good luck with those revisions!
Hi Peggy,Good to be here. So glad to hear about the new developments. Waiting for it. Glad to join in.
Keep inform.
"Best Regards
Philip Ariel
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