I've heard that when you're trying to rid yourself of an addiction, a lot of times you just end up replacing it with another.
So, it got me thinking that maybe I'd like to trade in my Diet Coke addiction for an exercise addiction. Because you know: healthy.
But then I got thinking. My Diet Coke addiction takes almost NO time each day. An exercise addiction would take an hour or two every day. So then I got thinking that maybe I shouldn't be coveting other addictions, and maybe I should just be happy with what I have.
Ooo. Unless I could get a laundry folding addiction. Cuz dang. I could really use that.
In all reality, though, I'm shooting for swapping my Diet Coke addiction for an exercise addiction. :)
Winter Wishes Giveaway Hop
4 days ago
I used to have a Tab addiction, back when you could find Tab. Tab for breakfast. Mostly now I have a napping addiction. It feels healthy to me :-)
Years ago I thought I was addicted to Diet Coke. Then I got pregnant and stopped cold turkey. I stayed "dry" all through my pregnant and nursing years. I did fall off the wagon when I wasn't feeding a baby (I can't resist), but I quit again.
Maybe that's why I'm not addicted to folding laundry. I need to find a stronger addiction, like washing the floor.
I have a love for Cherry Pepsi that I've been trying to "correct". I've been Cherry Pepsi free for a week now. I traded it in for 100 calorie snacks. Not sure if that's a good thing yet.
It needs to be replace with a similar addiction. Like Diet Coke for iced green tea or soda water with a little lemon, that type of thing.
Also, if you develop that laundry folding addiction, I'd be happy to become your pusher.
LOL! You're so funny. I could use a laundry folding addiction too.
Losing the coke for exercise would be awesome. I am working on an exercise addiction too. I really don't have it, but I wish I did!
Haha! I like the way you think :) I'm trying to form an 'exercise addiction' in conjunction with the XBox Kinect. We'll see how that goes....
Man, I would LOVE an exercise addiction! But ugh, the time commitment. Good point :) I think my only addictions are coffee/tea and chocolate chip cookies, but I don't think I'll ever give those up!
Dear My OCD, Sometimes your addictions and compulsions are good for something (read: folding laundry).
I too would love an exercise addiction, but dang it, I just can't muster up enough addiction. Also laundry-folding, since I have to do a ton of laundry today when I'd really much rather nap or read or something.
you could have worse addictions than diet coke, seriously... why don't you trade it for a Dark chocolate addiction... yup, i hear it's almost good for you :)
ROFL I needed this post today, Peggy. Thanks!
Hilarious! Love this line: "So then I got thinking that maybe I shouldn't be coveting other addictions, and maybe I should just be happy with what I have."
Ha! I wish I could develop an exercise addiction, but I just growl and bare my teeth at it.
I wish I could get an exercise addiction, too...but one that takes the same amount of time as your Diet Coke addiction.
Have a great day.
These days, I'm kind of wishing I could shake my writing addiction....
My husband has an exercise addiction, and guess what? It's not cute. I have a very healthy relationship with exercise in my humble opinion - I hate it, but I do it anyway. My husband, on the other hand, loves it, and gets angry when he can't do it. And we're talking four hour runs on a random Sunday. I say stick with the Diet Coke. :) Oh, and do what I did and buy a treadmill. Then you can exercise and watch trashy TV in the comfort of your own home!
lol! You are so cute! Maybe I should switch my blogging addiction for an exercise addiction... nah.
I'm trying to start an excercising addiction too - or at least a stronger preference for it. :) For me the key is starting small and then building, rather than trying to fit in a large chunk of time right away.
I detest laundry time. Truly. And exercise does take up lots of time.
I'd like my exercise routine to be an addiction too. Not so much it interferes with my family, but that I would look forward to it like I do treat time.lol!
Good for you! I have been walking in the afternoons after work, and though I dread it, I just keep telling myself, "It's 20 minutes. You can spare twenty freaking minutes."
So yeah.
Ha! I wish.
Haha. I wish I could re-catch the wanting to write addiction. It seems to have eluded me lately.
Ha! You are silly. I'm trying to swap my "sitting there doing nothing" addiction to an exercise addiction. :P We'll see how that goes!
Well, I've got the exercise addiction though I have no idea how to advise one goes about getting it.
I've also got the diet coke one...but less of it, as one of my goals is to become less addicted.
Is there a scale of addictivness? Or is there just an 'I am addicted to this' or 'I am not addicted to this?'
LOL. It's true, they aren't!
keep the diet coke! (they pay our bills!)
and if you find a way to get safely addicted to exercise or laundry folding, tell me! (tho i only watch my recorded shows while folding, so not a problem =)
you so funny!
I don't really drink pop, but I could deal with an exercise addiction! :)
I have no wish for an exercise addiction, and my chocolate addiction is making me very happy. I just want to shake the 'read all night' addiction. It makes life so much harder.
LOL! I could do with that laundry folding one, too!
You made me smile. I never used to drink Diet Coke b/c I've seem my mom trying to go off of it (the headaches, orneryness, etc) but since getting pregnant, I can't get enough of it. And I know it's not good for the baby (seriously, of all times to start a DC addiction, while I'm preggo?) with the artificial sweetners and the caffiene, and yet... Maybe all the milk I've also been craving will balance out the soda.
You are too funny! I couldn't get addicted to exercising either, no matter how hard I tried (or did I, really) so now I just walk to work and call it exercise!
Replace one addiction with another. You have no idea how true that is. Well, maybe you do. I mean to say I agree. :)
I know what you mean. I have a chocolate addiction that I might trade you for the Diet Coke addiction. ;-P
Ah, I have so many addictions to choose from, and so many better ones I should replace them with! Where to begin? :)
When people tell me I couldn't really be addicted to Diet Coke, I look at them with pity because they have no idea what that first frosty sip feels like in the morning. I hope to be buried (in a long time of course) with a 12-pack of Diet Coke cans.
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