First up: the paperback of THE FORBIDDEN FLATS! Now, for the first time ever, you can get the set in either hardback or paperback. Curious about how pretty they look together? Let's take a look, shall we?
Here are the paperbacks, cozying up to each other side by side.
And here the backs are, like they're walking off into the sunset.
And the spines.
And here they all are together! Looking all pretty and matchy.
And THE FORBIDDEN FLATS paperback releases today! It's online and in bookstores everywhere. Like here:
So what is the second book releasing, you might ask?
It's a book I contributed to, along with some other best-selling authors. An amazing photographer, Jonathan Diaz, started the Anything Can Be Project as a way to help kids with pediatric cancer to know that anything was possible. He shot them in costume and living their dream-- no matter how fantastical or realistic it was.
I was chosen to write the story for a sweet, spunky, ADORABLE 4 year old girl named Braelyn, who was diagnosed two years ago with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Her dream was to be a super hero and saved her stuffed friends who were tied up on the train tracks with a train barreling toward them. It was such a joy and honor to write her story. I am beyond grateful to have been able to be a part of such a wonderful project.
The book is filled with photographs that are downright incredible, with kids who are brave fighters with big dreams. Nearly two dozen authors (Liesl Shurtliff, Tyler Whitesides, Sara B. Larson, Chad Morris, Ally Condie, J. Scott Savage, Jennifer A. Nielsen, Brandon Mull, Shannon Hale, Frank Cole, Kristyn Crowe, Clint Johnson, Ilima Todd, Adam Sidwell, Lehua Parker, Stephen Reid Andrews, Sharlee Glenn, Jess Smiley, Linda Gerber, and Bobbie Pyron) have contributed modern-day fairy tales to this book and let me tell you: IT IS BEAUTIFUL. AND AMAZING. AND INSPIRING. Something to put on your coffee table; something to read to your kids; something to enjoy every single bit of yourself. You can get the book online or in bookstores.
If you want to find out more about everything that went into this incredible book, check out this KSL news article, and glimpse a peek at a picture of Braelyn in her superhero costume. Then check out the Anything Can Be Project site, and see some of the videos that show what goes into each shoot.
And there's still time to enter my reviewer appreciation giveaway! You can earn entries by leaving reviews (or get entries for the ones you already left!) for Sky Jumpers or The Forbidden Flats on Amazon, Goodreads, or Barnes and Noble.