Seriously, though? I've had a ton of presentations to write.
Seriously, though? I've loved every single speaking engagement.
What's a girl to do? I don't know. I keep thinking I'll learn something from this carzy-packed stretch of conferences, literacy events, school visits, launches, events, and library functions. I just haven't figured out what that something is.
Let's recap, shall we?
First off, THE FORBIDDEN FLATS released last Tuesday! And the paperback of SKY JUMPERS released the same day!
Having a double release calls for a double launch party, yes? Okay, in reality, no. But it was pretty fun, and that's what really matters. ;) My first one was at the King's English Bookshop in Salt Lake City on Tuesday:
Okay, I've been to dozens and dozens of launch parties at the King's English, but never done my own there. Being the person up at the front: surreal.
And then I had one at my favorite library on Thursday.
I spoke for a few minutes in the auditorium, then gave away a lot of Sky Jumpers swag.
Then we moved into the big open area, where there were tons of games, made uberly awesome by my talented and creative assistant, Kristine (above). Having activities for kids at a book launch for a children's book is a huge plus! It gave all the kids something to do while all the parents waited in line.
These were just a few of the extremely helpful (and so adorable!) kids who ran the activities, all ready and waiting for me to go speak in the other room, so that they could show the hordes of kids a great night. They were awesome!
And of course, we had cookies! Lots and lots and lots of cookies. Over 600 of them.
These are the posters that the lovely librarians made and hung up all over the library.
And the King's English came loaded with boxes of books, and stayed until the end. Have I mentioned how much I love them?
Add in six school visits last week (OHMYGOSH, MY FAVORITE THING TO DO EVER), a reception for the Utah Book Award (woot!) and a library literacy event (so fun!), and it was a rather exhaustingly exciting week.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go prepare some workshop presentations that some schools I'm visiting later this week have requested. And then a joint presentation I'm doing with another author. And then another I'm giving to librarians.
I swear there's a lesson on overscheduling in there somewhere. And I know I'm going to find it soon...
I hope you have the most fantastic of weeks! Mwah!